Fundraising for the people and causes you care about

Floods in southern Brazil

At the end of April/beginning of May, the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in southern Brazil, was hit by the worst flood ever to hit the region. 172 people were victims of the floods and 42 people are still missing. 

Enchentes no sul do Brasil

No final de abril/início de maio, o estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no sul do Brasil, foi atingido pela pior enchente já ocorrida na região. 172 pessoas foram vítimas das enchentes e 42 pessoas ainda estão desaparecidas.

Hochwasser in Südbrasilien

Ende April/Anfang Mai ereignete sich im Bundesstaat Rio Grande do Sul im Süden Brasiliens die schwerste Hochwasser-Katastrophe, die jemals in dieser Region aufgetreten ist. 172 Menschen sind den Fluten zum Opfer gefallen, 42 Personen werden weiterhin vermisst.

Hello everyone!

My name is Camila, I’m Brazilian and gaúcha/born in the city of Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul.

I have a degree in Biomedicine from the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre and I’m currently studying a master’s degree in International Health Management in Germany.

It’s been 8 months since my husband and I, along with our cat Missy arrived in Germany and for the last 6 months we’ve called Osnabrück home.

However, recently our state of Rio Grande do Sul was hit hard by rain, devastating cities and leaving thousands of families homeless, including ours in the Vale do Taquari. Watching this tragedy while being far from our families has been extremely difficul.

We created this campaign with the goal of helping the various families affected by this catastrophe, so that we can, even from afar, contribute to the new beginning for these families, and the place we call our home.

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